

 Hello everyone!

So, it’s finally here. In the end it took us more than a few days, but we decided to add one more thing to the Arena to close it for good…

And that’s a Temporal Save System!

It works like an auto-save and it’s basically made for big missions (and/or those with more than one level). So, it’s not on mission 1, 4, 6, 8 and 10 but on the other ones.

Whenever you see the text “Saving…” on the bottom right of your screen (where the life bar is) and then it goes away, you can safely exit the mission and/or the game and return to it at any time and continue where you left of.

There shouldn’t be any problems (I always say the same XD) but in case there is you can still always use the “Restart” option from the Pause Menu to start all over again.

As you can imagine the saved game lasts until reaching the goal, where after that if you enter the mission again, you obviously will start from the beginning again.

One more thing to note: when you reach a save point, it gets deactivated, meaning you cannot save the game again in that point if you pass over it again, BUT, if you reach any other save point and use it, the previous one will be available again. Not sure if it’s clear enough; let’s say you go to Mission 9, and there are Save Point A, B and C. When you pass over Save Point A, you can use Save Point B and C after that and then when you reach Save Point B, you’ll be able to use Save Point A (again) and C and so on.

Other than that, we fixed the reported (and reproduced on our end) bugs, like Mission 5 being unplayable since the crystal weren’t working properly anymore and getting out of bounds on Mission 12 if examining the card reader from behind the wall.

 We hope you enjoy, and hopefully more people will see this in-game


See ya soon!


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