

 Hello everyone!

Here it is the Revision for the 0.7.132 version.

It took more than just a few days, but that’s because solving the door problem, made me realize about another important issue related to the loading/unloading of streaming levels, where if you cross an opened by the enemy door, no levels would be streamed in/out.

So, this specifically took us a bit more time to figure out. It should be working now though. We even uploaded the revision the moment I compiled it, but didn’t publish it until more tests were made.

Cerberus have been de-buffed a little bit too to make them act less like final bosses XD.

Cerberus should now be able to jump over again instead of trying to attack or grab if Julia is close to them.

The Egg dispensers should no longer get locked in dropping eggs endlessly.

And ended up confirming a reported bug where the inventory gets wiped in Mission 2, when going from the Sewers to the Exterior Area. I’ve reproduced it but I couldn’t fix it yet, because it’ll require me more time to dive deeper on the code specific to that (especially when nothing has changed in there since a long time now and that bug wasn’t there before). The fix will come with the next version. The Mission is still doable even without the handgun or the assault rifle, as you can still get the other weapons (and you also have the physical attacks and the knife).

And that’s that. Time for the download link:



Much love <3 everyone!




 Release date for this comic/image set.



 Well everyone, it's this time again!

This is way sooner that usually but you already know why.

We'll go straight to the point, so make sure you read the next part before downloading.

Partial Changelog (to see an expanded version, take a look at CONTROLS & CHANGELOG.txt in the RAR File)

+ The enemies can now interact with doors

As it sounds, some enemies can now chase you through doors as well. So if you thought you were safe after crossing a door, then think again xD. Still there are some safe rooms enemies can get into.

+ The new mission (Mission 8) - This is a somewhat special shooting range level. It also works as a stress level to see how it runs for everyone. So please, if you want to help, make sure you do this:

  1. Once you turn the lever, the music will start and enemies will appear
  2. This is wave 1
  3. There's a total of 10 waves
  4. Everytime you finish a wave the music lowers its volume and you have some time to get back to shape and replenish your inventory <- Take THIS moment into account to know the current wave.
  5. Then when you notice the game starts going slow for you, write down the wave you are and report it back to us, so we can have an idea of the average number of infected that can be spawned at the same time in a room.
  6. As a reference: Meguido's PC went into a slowdown on wave 7 and Mr.Versus X's PC did it perfectly through the 10 waves with just a small hitch in wave 10 (about a second only)


And now what you’ve been waiting for, after this text. Here you have a couple links. The main one and a mirror (so you don’t need to ask for mirrors)



We downloaded from both links with no problems, no limit reached, etc. But we always download big files using the FREE download manager J-Downloader 2. So, just wanted to put it here, in case you experience any problem when downloading, use that download manager.

Much love <3 everyone!

-Versus X Studio team (Mr.VersusX and Meguido)