
Punished Mai Chapter 2

The chapter 2 has been released for Patrons.

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Punished Mai - Gameplay Tutorial 13: Weapon Types

Punished Mai - Gameplay Tutorial 12: Shop & Money

New (and last) Tutorial! 

This time we’ll learn about the differents types of weapons.

Remember: All these tutorials will be included in the game itself.

The Chapter 2 release date is: May - 13.

Until next time.


Punished Mai Chapter 2 Release Date

Hi everyone.

We found some little bugs during the testing phase that we're working to fix rigth now. Nothing too complicated so we can say an aproximate release date for Chapter 2.

The release date is: May - 13.

The Patrons with the 'early access reward' will receive the game one week earlier: May - 6.

And of course, the release is only for Patrons.

Note that this release dates may change due to our internet connection. :P

Regards <3