
Punished Mai - Gameplay Tutorial 12: Shop and Money

Punished Mai - Gameplay Tutorial 12: Shop & Money

New Tutorial! 

This time we’ll learn about the Shop and the Money in the game.

Remember: All these tutorials will be included in the game itself.

Until next time.

The chapter 1 has been released for Patrons.

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Punished Mai OST - Sample 05

The chapter 1 has been released for Patrons.

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Punished Mai Chapter 2 Development Status #2

Hello everyone!

Let's talk about the status of the chapter 2:

  • - Programming: Enemies' AI almost ready with just a few tweaks left. Puzzles and other 'events' are finished.
  • - Story: Script finished and already in-game at 100% (except for the HCGs that are counted separately ^^).
  • - Hentai CGs: One left and it's where we're spending all of our efforts right now. The rest are completely finished.
  • - Graphics: All the graphics are ready except for the H-Attacks.
  • - Maps: All maps finished, integrated, illuminated and fully functional in the game.
  • - Audio: OST finished and added to the game. As we sais in an earlier status report, we need to find some H sounds for the adult CGs.
  • - Translation: All text translated with just the last HCG of the chapter left.

With that said, what we expect is (at least) to launch the beta of Chapter 2 for Tester Reward Patrons and higher (10$+) throughout the next month. Will try it to be as soon as possible, to have possibility to completely finish the chapter before the end of the month.

And before saying goodbye, Please remember that our survey is still active.
We want to know your opinion about Hentai Fan-Games, so pay a visit to it and send your vote. Of course you can tell us about this and about the development of Punished Mai right here.

Don't hesitate to leave your thoughts.

'Till next time <3

The chapter 1 has been released for Patrons.

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Hentai Fan-Games?

Hello everyone!

- What happened to the poor Mai? Maybe is she exhausted of working too much in the chapter 2? (we are, for sure :P) -

In a few days we'll give an update on the Chapter 2 progress.

In the meantime, we really want to know what you think about something important for us:

What do you think about Hentai Fan-Games?
Please take a few seconds to select your preffered option in the poll below (you can select more than one option).

Thank you very much for your time!
Regards <3

The chapter 1 has been released for Patrons.

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Interesting H-Game: Venture Seas

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about other pretty interesting H-Game.

The blue sky, the sea, a good ship and a sexy crew. We're talking, obviously, about Venture Seas; game developed by Virtuous Development.

Our character is a sea captain totally customizable (from the name to the size of the sexual atttributes along with the gender) who has lost the memory, suffer from some strange dreams and is searching for the missing pieces of a strange medallion.

Venture Seas is an Adventure Game with many gameplay systems which give the game an unique deep and great variety, like for example, the Battle System with Runes, the Vessel Management, Runecrafting, etc.

The graphics are great and also features animations for the H scenes. We can only give it a 10/10 in this aspect. Talking about H scenes, there's a variety of fetishes in the game, but none of them are in any way mandatory to experience.

And this is why Tiana is the best ;)

Many many NPCs with different sexualities and genders to meet and romance are assured.

If you're interested you can try the latest builds following this LINK.

And don't forget to take a look for more info in the links below.




Interesting H-Game: Kalyskah: Vicious Seed

Hello everyone!

As we already said a few days ago, we wanted to talk about and recommend some H-games we like.

Kalyskah: Vicious Seed is a 3D hentai game developed in UE4 by Lustful Illumination. It’s in early stages of development but it already looks promising.

In the game we will play as 2 characters, Kalyskah and Evelyn. The two of them with her own story. A story set in a medieval world with witches, vampires and other creatures.

In the playable Alpha there’s only one controllable character but you can already take a look at some cool and very well done animations aswell as programmed systems.

Kalyskah: Vicious Seed is a classic 2.5D sidescroller where you can choose to have sex with your enemies (you can hit them physically too). During (or after) the act you’ll be able to absorb enemies’ blood to hurt them. This blood can later be used to unlock new special skills.

If you’re interested (like i am) you should go check its Patreon. There you can play the alpha completely free and also stay up-to-date with the game news.




Chapter 2 Status + New Features

We've been very silent lately, the reason is that we're working on 3 BIG changes for the game which have slowed us down but not stopped us. Remember:

The chapter 1 has been released for Patrons.

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Let's talk about the status of the chapter 2:

  • - Programming: With the core systems already in place we're working now on programming the puzzles and the enemy "AI". 
  • - Story: The script is almost finished. We hope this to be ready before the end of the month. The next step will be translate it into the game.
  • - Hentai CGs: This is the biggest affected part by the aforementioned 'big changes'. Not much to say just the first HCG is ready for render.
  • - Graphics: 50% of the graphics are already done. The other 50% are enemy graphics and some animations.
  • - Maps: Almost all the parallaxes are ready. The next step is to import them on RPG Maker and create the maps.
  • - Audio: All 'normal' SFX are ready, the OST is 50% done. We need to find some H sounds for the adult CGs.
  • - Translation: All common texts for every chapter and the new items are translated but the script remain intact in its original language.

Now it's time to talk about the new features:

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Something like this has been requested by people, so after making some researches we found our own way to include it on the game.
The battle system remains almost the same; what we've made is to add some attacks to some enemy types. So don't expect every enemy to be able to h-attack Mai (it would be impossible to achieve right now).

Another important detail: due to the advanced development of the battle system instead of adding sprite-based H-attacks, you'll enjoy CG-based H-attacks.

Please note, that this doesn't change our politics about the "do it bad to get rewarded" meaning there's no H-Game Over whatsoever.

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Well we should call this "Change" instead of "feature".
This change has been a real hard to take decision, because it is: a complete graphic overhaul for the CGs.

The "why?"
  • We weren't very happy with the achieved quality...
  • ...Also our dinosaurs-era's PCs wouldn't let us improve the quality or try to achieve any better in a reasonable time span (8h+ for a single render is too much :/)
  • To be honest it was just "another game with 3d cgs" and we didn't wanted that. We wanted to have our very own style. Because we can't afford an artist to make drawings for us, we decided to make our kind of mix between 2D and 3D art style. At first it's been risky but right now we feel very comfortable with it.
  • Some people mentioned the CGs were very VERY dark and they couldn't see a thing.
  • Also we saw people that liked the game but ran away from that very generic 3D CGs. And because we wanted our very own style this gave us the "strength" we needed to take this important step.
  • The third Feature: We think this one has been the most important one

The "Pros"
  • We achieved our very own personal and original art style.
  • The render speed. With this new style we reduced drastically the render times (no more 8h+ waiting for a single render yay!).
  • Without this change it wouldn't be possible both new features 1 (H-attacks) and 3 (read below :P).
  • No more "darkness" renders. Now the renders have a cartoonish style of illumination and this prevents any kind of impossible-to-see-renders ^^.
  • A kind of mix between 2D and 3D we hope it'll attract more people.

The "Cons"
  • A Patron's only "cons"
  • This change like the other 2 features needs to be included in the Chapter 1. But this will require some time. So we decided we'll be updating it little by little after the release of the Chapter 2.

A thing we didn't mentioned but that you probably realized (if you visited our Patreon recently) is that we redesigned some bits of Mai :P. New hairstyle, new orange short sleeves instead of those problematic torus on her shoulders and an all new gloves design.

We really hope you like this new art style.

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And the final new feature is... yeah: Animations.

Thanks to the new art style we can now add animations to the game.

This will be a mix between Static and Animated CGs. And if it's possible we'll be able to add animations to the H-Attacks too.

Note: The quality of this gif is not the final one. This is highly compressed to be able to upload it. There's also a lack of framerate in this gif.

We really hope you like this new feature ^^.

So that's all for now. Please keep in mind that the demo is still from the old version (no H-Attacks, no new CG style and no animations) sorry.

The chapter 1 has been released for Patrons.

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